Tag Archives: pornography addiction


Today’s Post was written by a guest blogger, Seeker of Light who volunteered to review this ARC from Booksneeze for my blog! Thank you so much Seeker!       ~   The Book Worm


Author: Michael John Cusick

Recommend: Yes, for men struggling with sexually addictive behaviors.

The Obsessive Bookworm approached me about this book, feeling less than qualified to review it because of its content.  Because of the target audience, she felt that a man who has gone through this issue would be a better person to critique this book.

Before I get started, I feel that I should preface something that is often misunderstood.   Those of us who claim to have a relationship with Jesus try to live each day trying to become more like Him.  Real Christians know that they are not perfect and that everybody messes up and does things that they shouldn’t.  While we strive to live Christ-like lives, we still struggle with sin issues and this book deals with one of them.

When I started reading this book, I knew I would have to open my heart to what God would want me to hear.  Self-help books often get a bad reputation as cheesy, but I often find God has something to share with the reader’s heart.    Within the first two chapters this book already began to affect me.  Even when I was not sitting and reading the book, I still felt God speaking to me.

With that said, if you are broken and need healing from your slavery to sexual addiction and your heart is open to what God wants you to hear, this is a book for you.  It has analogies to help you understand your brokenness, stories of changed lives (including the author’s), coming to peace with God and those closest to you, heartfelt prayers that you if you can pray them as if they were your own can help you find peace with God in regards to this issue.

I ask you with all of my love for you as brothers in Christ, to open your hearts to this book and the healing that it can bring. May God draw you ever closer to Him.

If you would like to learn more about struggles with addiction to pornography, please feel free to visit my blog BRINGINGMENOUTOFDARKNESS

Final Rating:

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Buy it new 🙂


Filed under Christian, mature themes and subject matter, non fiction, Review